
Milwaukee-based artist pulled from the boggy woodlands of Northern WI

Growing up in the middle of the woods I spent a lot of time flipping rocks and logs, and netting specimens out of the ephemeral pools. I carried around the Audubon Field Guides with the goal of ID’ing all of the plants and animals I found. Twenty-ish years later and I’m still just as fascinated by everything wiggling around in the dirt.

I moved down to Milwaukee in 2017 to go to Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design (MIAD). I graduated in spring 2021, majoring in Illustration and minoring in Communication Design. Before I even received my diploma though I moved my work almost entirely to my torch, where I create tiny dirt dwelling creatures out of borosilicate glass!

I currently do glasswork full time, making silly TikToks and stocking my online shop!

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